Had a much needed day off yesterday. Had a quiet Easter with the kiddo and the doggos. They got a little confused when I did not get up on time and jump in the shower. Rather I slept in a little and made a pot of coffee at home :). They were happy to have me all to themselves though. Got caught up on some emails, laundry, and a few other things around the house.
Did make a few decisions about the Cafe hours until the lock-down is over. I am not closing, but I am going to reduce the hours. Monday - Saturday 8-6 and Sunday 9-5. This will hopefully reduce a few of the bills that are still rolling in. Once this is over, we will be ready to Rock and Roll at full boogie tilt with our first offsite event being the Rockabilly Bash, it seemed appropriate to day :).
Got a great order for 6 of the Brown Bag Apple pies for tomorrow.. maybe some more, just waiting for confirmation. This place will smell wonderful! I made one this morning and barely got it out of the oven and sold a piece!
Here is the link for the Go Fund Me if you have not had a chance to read our story https://www.gofundme.com/f/43eyp-relief-effort.
Have a great day! See you soon!
